Monday, March 12, 2012


All local couples would have known how difficult it is to secure the venue of your choice if you didn't book way in advance like 1 year. We began the hunt on venue, majority keeping in mind our requirements: 

1) 20 tables
2) Grand Ballroom
3) Reasonable price
4) Weekend

Greatest challenge was the lesser than average tables yet we wanted the grand ballroom. We didn't fancy co-joined function rooms due to the long walkway with low ceiling. M Hotel was my first choice (not his though) but I couldn't meet min. 25 tables for dinner banquet and the march-in was rather weird (L-shaped). We visited Regent Hotel which I felt it needed some refurbishing works and anyway we couldn't meet the min. for ballroom either.

We didn't reece any hotels after that since we realised it was quite a waste of time. Eventually, we settled for lunch banquet because there was no way we could get a ballroom for dinner with 20 tables; smaller ballrooms or function rooms couldn't fit 20 - like Mandarin Oriental.

My husband shortlisted Goodwood Park and Conrad Centennial Singapore. Catheryn from Conrad was the first & only wedding coordinator we met. We considered it for a week before booking it with a $4,000 deposit. Didn't actually make it to meet anyone from Goodwood Park afterall. You could say we were quite mesmerized by Conrad's grandeur and exclusive single Grand Ballroom. Since we saw it, we were pretty were set on it, except that we didn't want to confirm it on impulse, so we booked it a week later.

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